

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Union College in Schenectady, NY! <celebration emojis>

My research focuses on how vision informs and influences animal behavior, physiology and evolution. I primarily work with mantis shrimp, a group of animals that boast some of the most complex eyes as well as one of the fastest animal movements. I use an integrative, comparative approach to tackle different levels of organization to understand the link(s) between vision and visually mediated behaviors in mantis shrimp and other predatory invertebrates.

Here at my website, you can learn about the different aspects of my research program. Or just hardline yourself into the science by perusing my publications and CV.  If you’re feeling adventurous, check out my science illustrations, photography and communication.  For more information regarding any of my work, scientific or otherwise, please email me!  kate.feller at gmail dot com.